Heil® Dealer

MacQueen Equipment – Heil Dealer For IOWA, Minnesota, Nebraska, and Wisconsin

Macqueen Equipment: Your Premier Heil Garbage Truck Equipment Dealer

MacQueen Equipment is a leading full-line Heil refuse truck equipment company dedicated to supplying quality waste truck equipment for Midwest private haulers and government fleets in Indiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, and Wisconsin..

Macqueen Equipment has been delivering outstanding value and waste industry expertise to the Midwest Region since 1961.  With their vast waste industry experience, MacQueen Equipment is able to work with you to deliver the refuse equipment needed for the lowest Total Cost of Collection.

MacQueen Equipment’s refuse truck & equipment specialists help to design a garbage truck configuration that fits your application and budget.  They also provide excellent Heil service, parts, and repairs to keep your Heil refuse equipment running.

MacQueen Equipment is a full-service Heil Dealer, carrying the following refuse bodies:

If you are in the state of Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, or Wisconsin and want more information on any Heil refuse products, contact MacQueen Equipment today!